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Build A True Leadership Presence You Can Show Off!

Build A True Leadership Presence You Can Show Off!

Much has been written about leadership: rules, pointers, styles, and biographies of inspiring leaders throughout world history. But there are certain leadership ideas that we ourselves fail to recognize and realize in the course of reading books. Here is a short list of things you thought you knew about leadership. 1. Culinary Leaders come in differentRead more about Build A True Leadership Presence You Can Show Off![…]

25 Unbelievable Success Qualities To Look For In A Leader.

25 Unbelievable Success Qualities To Look For In A Leader.

Are you ready to take over a leadership role in your organization? You probably feel comfortable with your industry, managing staff, technology, and political culture at this point. But, have you developed and fined tuned the leadership qualities that make top leaders successful? Your first step toward success is assessing your leadership capabilities. Let’s see how you scoreRead more about 25 Unbelievable Success Qualities To Look For In A Leader.[…]